Thursday, November 8, 2012

"Lemmon" has never been so SWEET!

We had the joy and pleasure of being invited to go to the Frankie Lemmon School today.  

A bit about Frankie Lemmon....The school’s namesake, Frankie Lemmon, youngest son of Frank and Georgia Lemmon, was born with Down syndrome in the 1960’s. When Frankie became of age to begin kindergarten, there was no school in the area that would accept children with special education needs. To fill this void Frankie’s father, minister of the Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church and the congregation united with the community to create the Hudson Memorial Kindergarten for Mentally Retarded Children. The school which began with three children in 1965 was re-named the Frankie Lemmon Memorial Preschool a few years later following Frankie’s death.

The school accepts 25 students between the ages of 3-6.  Their goal is to provide life changing education and support for the students to function better. They also want to prepare them to enter a normal school environment.  I can not put exactly into words how amazing this school and their program is.  They say pictures are worth a THOUSAND words and in this case these pics are worth a THOUSAND heart tugs.  We LOVE our little SUPERHEROES at Frankie Lemmon!  

If you would like to support the Frankie Lemmon school, please email us at  We can help you get connected.  

1 comment:

  1. That's so great, Carly! I"m really proud of the work you are doing! Those kids are adorable.
